Hanford Nuclear Reservation, country’s newest national park and home to the world’s first full-sized nuclear reactor, prepares for expanded crowds

The Environment Ministry has sought a record ¥522.3 billion in its budget proposal for fiscal 2016, with most of the spend related to decontamination work in areas affected by the March 2011 nuclea

This report aims to make a contribution to the discussion on how both the prevailing climate and potential nuclear threats may interact with each other. Despite an increased understanding of the climate and nuclear threat and a growing urgency for action on both fronts, little attention has been given to how they may interact with each other.

Australia should “look closely” at expanding its role in the global nuclear energy industry, including leasing fuel rods to other countries and then storing the waste afterwards, Malcolm Turnbull h

Tokyo Electric Power Co. announced completion Monday of a 780-meter coastal wall along the heavily damaged reactor buildings of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT – Federal regulators are pulling the plug on a five-year study of the risk of cancer in communities around six U.S. nuclear plants and a nuclear fuel site.

The German government has proposed changes to a law to prevent German utilities from evading the payment of billions of euros needed to fund the country's nuclear exit, according to a copy of the d

The U.S.

SENDAI – Residents of three Miyagi Prefecture towns selected as candidate sites for hosting a permanent nuclear waste disposal facility barred the entry of Environment Ministry officials seeking to

Japan on Tuesday approved an increase in compensation payments for the Fukushima crisis to 7.07 trillion yen ($57.18 billion), as tens of thousands of evacuees remain in temporary housing more than
