Special proteins have been developed that would help avoid rejection of transplanted organs

the Union health ministry is considering two major amendments to the Human Organ Transplant Act. It plans to exclude

A genetically engineered lamb with human genes may help produce human organs

researchers at New York's Harvard University have successfully grown replacement skin, bladders and other body tissue in a technique that could open new doors to transplant surgery and

Viruses acquired from animal organ and tissue transplants can harm humans

It is time to do away with myths. Hundreds of Pakistanis who have had kidney transplants are flocking to a playground during weekends to deliver a message to their countrypeople donate your

the country's first bilateral lung transplant was performed at the Madras Medical Mission (mmm) in Chennai, on April 26. Experts hailed the nine hour long operation as unique and the "first of

after a long period of reluctance and fear, cadaveric organ transplant is gradually finding acceptance. Topping the list is kidney transplants in Chennai, for which the city had earlier earned

The ethics of transplanting an organ from one species to another is debatable as the dangers involved are too many and unknown

Public health could be under a serious threat if organ transplants from animals are carelessly conducted
