Former chairperson, University Grants Commission

7.8.90 U5P 4946681/2.1.91 EP 0405701 W R Grace&Co, USA: METtlODTOPREP~AN J MP R OVED STOM G E"SJABLENEEM SEEDEXTRACTfo r the prod uc. tiollof stableazadirach till sol~tions cowp!ising

An additional search for neem-related patents through the US patent database, carried out in late December, 1995, revealed the existence of two more patents. Both were obtained by US corporations:

TRIBALS and patent rights activists have something to cheer for. In the first instance of its kind, the Kani tribe dwelling in the Agastyar hills in southern Kerala, will get the rights over an

A lot, apparently. Neem Azadirachta indica and the I?roducts derived from it have traditionally been widely used for centuries, especially in India, for medicinal purposes and pest control. Recognising its vast potential, Western science and industry

EIGHTY per cent of the world's population depends on indigenous knowledge to meet their medicinal needs, and at least half rely on indigenous knowledge and crops for food supplies, according to a

And now it is the turn for human cells to be patented on the sly by scientific vampires', as shows the bizarre case of a Hagahai tribal male

INDIA is arming itself take on the enemy in the 'gene war'. It will no longer be easy for foreign firms to steal centuries-old traditional Indian plant varieties. In a bid to check any attempt

The discovery of a generation old plant extract used by Onges in The Andarnans has patent hungry profiteers jostling their way down There The question is, whether the custodians of the secret stand to gain anything at all

The US applies pressure over new patents law on drugs in Brazil amidst stringent criticism
