09 Apr 2012

I have read with interest the article “Kudankulam Meltdown” by Latha Jishnu and others. Since it is based on a direct interaction with the people residing near the project site, it has authenticity.

I live in Visakhapatnam which is close to Kovvada where NPCIL is planning to set up another nuclear power complex. The Kudankulam experience is therefore relevant to people like me.

10 Jan 2012

Tuticorin, a coastal district in southern Tamil Nadu, is a large hub for coal-based thermal energy generation with many more such projects in the pipeline. Currently there are 2 power stations commissioned so far. The Tuticorin Thermal Power Station being the largest of them all, as of now, produces power to suffice as much as one-thirds of Tuticorin's demand. The power plant managed by the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, produces power through a capacity of 1050 MW. Besides, there is the Ind-Bharath Power Infra Private Ltd which has a 189 MW power generating capacity.

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Clean Energy

Days after he was stopped from speaking against the government during a public hearing regarding the Jaitapur nuclear power project, local resident Milind Desai and 12 others were arrested by the Ratnagiri police on Tuesday for cases of rioting registered against them after an incident in December 2010.

Desai was arrested early in the morning from his residence and sent in police custody for th

Pollution and displacement increasingly threaten the life and livelihood-indeed the very existence - of several rural communities. Panchayati Raj can play a very important role in checking this, but this potential has not been adequately realised yet. A lot of work needs to be done to realise this potential of panchayat raj in checking pollution and displacement.

G Babu Jayakumar | ENS
Public hearings are meant to elicit people's views on upcoming projects, though authorities are not obliged to act on them.

Meena Menon

MADBAN (Ratnagiri district): Angry protests stalled a public hearing of the Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project (JNPP) at Madban village in Maharashtra on Sunday. Only after officials acknowledged their mistake of not providing copies of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) to the affected villages, it was allowed to go on under protest.

Sanjay Jog / Mumbai May 17, 2010, 1:12 IST

A public hearing today on the 10,000-Mw nuclear power project in coastal Ratnagiri district witnessed loud protests by villagers.
