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This is truly India's shame. Why did 87-year-old GD Agarwal die after he spent years fighting to save the Ganga? The veteran activist was fasting for 111 days, demanding that the government get serious about cleaning up the Ganga. His death shows that despite all the big promises and the big slogans, the effort to clean up the river has been a hollow promise.

On Prime Time, Ravish Kumar asks whether the government has done anything at all to revive River Ganga till now. Even though the PM Modi had spoken about the neglect that the river had been suffering all these years before the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, has the current NDA government been able accomplish their goals of cleaning up the river? Professor GD Agarwal recently breathed his last after nearly 3 months of fasting in protest demanding an action plan to clean River Ganga. How many more such environmentalists are to lose their lives in their fight to save the national river?

जब हम बात करते हैं स्‍वच्‍छ भारत और स्‍वच्‍छता की तो हमें सिर्फ टॉयलेट बनाने से आगे बढ़ना होगा. सोचिए कि जब हम टॉयलेट का इस्‍तेमाल करते हैं, तो इंसानी मल कहां जाता है. भारत में 30 फीसदी से भी कम सीवेज लाइनें हैं. तो सोचिए कि रोजाना टॉयलेट इस्‍तेामल करने के बाद यह कचरा कहां जाता है. इस शो में देखिए कि किस तरह संसाधनों की कमी की वजह से इंसानी मल का निपटारा सही ढंग से नहीं हो रहा और यह हमारे जल स्रोतों को भी दूषित कर रहा है.

From water to water - If there are humans, there will be excreta. If there is water use, there will be waste. Roughly 80 per cent of the water that reaches households in Indian cities flows out as waste.

This video shows the state of the Indian rivers and the cause of their pollution. It hopes to create awareness amongst the people about river pollution and the role they play in it. This content is the copyright of CSE - Centre for Science and Environment and has been re-created for the web by Gobar Times, a monthly environment magazine for the young adult.
