Question raised in Lok Sabha on Water Treatment, 28/07/2016. As reported by the States in the online Integrated Management Information System of the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, there exist 2,230 water quality testing laboratories at the State, District, Sub-Divisional, Block levels and also certain mobile water testing laboratories. State/UT-wise details of water quality testing laboratories including Chhattisgarh State is at Annexure.

The Maharashtra government announced on Tuesday that it would regulate the fast-growing packaged drinking water industry by introducing policy guidelines soon, with the intent of providing safe dri

Putting a step forward towards ensuring supply of piped drinking water to every households in Bihar as promised in his pre-election 'Seven Resolves', Bihar CM Nitish Kumar on Wednesday inaugurated

Development works planned at 3 beaches, road to be widened; bridge work at Kotekar

MIT scientists have developed an inexpensive, solar-powered water treatment system for rural Indian villages, which lack affordable potable water and electricity.

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania — The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the African Water Facility (AWF) will be participating in the 6th Africa Water Week (AWW-6), holding from 18-22 July 2016 at the Ju

This paper examines the impact of drinking water quality and sanitation behavior on child health in rural districts of Ethiopia.

This paper examines the impact of drinking water quality and sanitation behavior on child health in rural districts of Ethiopia.

Bhubaneswar: The state government on Thursday announced a Rs 900-crore plan for strengthening drinking water system in rural areas.

Gujarat Government on Wednesday declared 81 more villages as 'scarcity-affected' owing to acute water shortage there, an official press release said.
