Harare – Zimbabwe continues to prioritise its citizen’s health as evidenced by the increase in access to improved sources of water and sanitation in the rural areas.

Under the loom of extreme climatic perturbations, human expansion and rising demand, world’s freshwater reserves are expected to suffer severe setbacks in the coming years. A major task for the international authorities in this regard is to develop a reliable inventory of existing potable water sources and identify the challenges therein. The main objective of this study was to present a spatial summary of ‘safe’ water sources in India using the most ‘authentic’, cross-sectional, open-sourced census database for 2011 ranging from household to state level.

Rabat – The rate of access to drinking water in rural areas is expected to reach 96.5 percent by the end of 2017, with the state investing more than MAD 1 million in water supply projects, announce

With 2.1 billion people – mostly in rural areas – lacking safely managed drinking water and reported low rural water supply functionality rates, the Sustainable Development Goals pose a triple challenge: to reach unserved mostly rural population groups, to raise service levels, and to sustain existing and future services.

This study seeks to understand factors that guide the decision-making process to adopt and implement the available arsenic-mitigation technologies in rural areas in the middle-Ganga Plain in India. A total of 340 households comprising 2500 people were surveyed.

Sengerema — President John Magufuli is expected to launch a Sh23 billion water project at Nyamazugo Village in Sengerema District on Tuesday.

Moçâmedes — At least 1500 people in Bibala Municipality, south-western Namibe Province, are since last Saturday benefiting from the entrance into functioning of a new water supply system, built in

A rapidly expanding population is stretching the capacity of Kigali city to assure piped water supply to its rural districts.

Omuthiya-Oshikoto Region’s directorate of rural water supply yesterday commenced with what will be a countrywide survey on rural water and sanitation in an effort to ascertain the accessibility and

Water and sanitation are critical components that need to be worked on to ensure they are covered 100 per cent by 2020 if Rwandans are to live a better life, officials have said.
