Order of the Madras High Court in the matter of P L Ramaiah Vs The District Collector - Sivagangai District & Others dated 01/06/2018 regarding grant of permission and necessary protection for conducting the Jallikattu at Poolankurichi Village, Thiruppathur Taluk, Sivagangai District on the eve of Sri Angala Parameswari, Sri Kanavai Karuppar Swamy Temple festival.

Say mining permission was given to an individual despite their opposition

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Southern Zone, Chennai) in the matter of SUO MOTO Vs. District Collector Sivagamgai and Others dated 26/04/2016 regarding drinking water pollution in Karaikudi Municipality, Tamil Nadu.

Madurai: An RTI query revealed misappropriation of lakhs of rupees from the fund earmarked for the Indira Gandhi Memorial Housing Scheme at Mela Nettur panchayat in Manamadurai union in Sivaganga d

The district administration has selected 38 village panchayats for implementation of Solid Waste Management programme. Announcing this here on Wednesday, Collector S.

The district administration has selected 38 village panchayats for implementation of Solid Waste Management programme. Announcing this here on Wednesday, Collector S.

Police opened fire in the air in self defence when illegal sand miners attacked a team led by Sub-Inspector, Muthukrishnan when they surrounded the lorries while red sand was being loaded on them a

Influence of exotic plant invasions on the structure and functional attributes of native ecosystems has been extensively documented and debated. The complex interactions of invasive species with native ecosystems make invasion ecology an interesting and important area of research. Prosopis julifora native to south and central America was introdouced in India to meet the fuel-wood requirements of the rural poor and to restore degrated lands. Now, it has become an aggressive weed in several parts of the country and poses a serious threat to native biodiversity.

Farmers in Sivaganga district have alleged that a graphite company in their area was polluting their fields and rendering them barren.

Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on Sunday ordered allocation of nearly Rs.100 crore to strengthen water resources across the State which include construction of a check dam at the cost of Rs. 35 crore across the Kosasthaliyar for storing the Krishna water from Andhra Pradesh for meeting Chennai’s water requirements.

An official release said a basin dam would be constructed at Ladanenthal village in Sivaganga district to channel water to Maranadu lake from the Vaigai river and to nine other lakes at a cost of Rs.12.85 crore, while another bed dam would be built near Atthur village at the cost of Rs.16 crore to supply water Parthibanur Periya Eri, Siriya Eri and Vannikudi Eri.
