subsidy is an indirect payment given by governments for various economic and social reasons. A major part of the "cost' of the subsidy is paid by the government. At the same time, granting

Subsidies and low prices of energy do not help the poor, in whose name these steps are ostensibly taken; they merely fatten the urban and rural elite

The 20 papers included in this book examine 3 issues -- market access commitments, plant breeders' rights and reduction of export subsidies on agro-exports. It has been argued that the

A study reveals how subsidies are encouraging farmers to waste water and use land and fertilisers unsustainably.

PROPRIETY demands India's participation in the final round of the GATT negotiations on the Dunkel Draft (DD). A multilateral system of trade and technology transfer arrangements has its own set of

THERE are some in India who believe that the Dunkel Draft (DD) would lead to a reduction of subsidies paid by developed countries to their farmers and this would help agricultural produce exports

ISRAEL'S citrus industry, part of its drive to "make the desert bloom", is a spectacular success story with export earnings in the US $150-250 million range, depending on the quality and quantity of

Low water prices have been pinpointed as being responsible for wasteful consumption by both domestic and industrial consumers, but what does the government propose to do about it?

Higher rates have to be charged if the Indian paper industry is to learn a much needed lesson in water conservation.

Faced with a water shortage, Madras Refineries Ltd has opted for cleaning up sewage water and recycling its own effluents to meet its water needs.
