लगातार बढ़ती आबादी और शहरीकरण के साथ भारत में पिछले एक दशक में कचरे के ताबाद बहुत तेजी से बढ़ रही है. सालाना लगभह 3 करोड़ 65 लाख टन कचरा पैदा होता है. कुल जमा किए गए कचरे में से 94 फीसदी को जमीन पर डाला जाता है और 5 फीसदी कम्पोस्ट होता है.

Take a look at the desperate state of our national capital engulfed as it is by trash. Just a few days back lives were lost after the monstrous Ghazipur dump collapsed. It is more than 50 metres high, it is not supposed to be more than 20 metres high; and with no other dump easily available, Delhi stares at a disaster in the making. Why now, in 2017, are we finally waking up to this ridiculous situation? Who is responsible and is there a real solution? We debate on The Buck Stops Here.

NDTV-डेटॉल बनेगा स्वच्छ इंडिया के इस खास कार्यक्रम में हम यह बताएंगे की स्वच्छ हवा हमारे लिए कितनी जरूरी है और हम इसे कैसे पा सकते हैं.

A landmark new report has found that diesel SUVs on Indian roads are emitting 25 to 65 times as much noxious nitrogen oxide as a small petrol car. These shocking results come from actual on-road testing of Indian cars by two reputed environmental non-profits. A study published earlier this year in Nature magazine estimated that excess nitrogen oxide emissions were linked to 38,000 premature deaths worldwide in 2015 mostly in the EU, China, and India. We ask: is it now imperative to say no to diesel cars?

NDTV डेटॉल बनेगा स्‍वच्‍छ इंडिया कैंपेन का चौथा सीजन जारी है और इस सीजन में एक बार फिर 'मेरे दस गज' मंत्र पर गौर किया जा रहा है. यानी सब लोग मिलकर अपने 10 गज के दायरे की सफाई का प्रण लें. ये एक ऐसा बदलाव ला सकता हे जो हम सालों से नहीं ला पाए हैं. इसी सिलसिल में पर्यावरणविद सुनीता नारायण ने NDTV से बात की.


महात्मा गांधी ने कहा था कि धरती सबकी ज़रूरतें पूरी कर सकती है लेकिन एक भी इंसान का लालच नहीं. और ये अब और भी साफ़ दिखने लगा है. ये हमारा लालच नहीं है तो क्या है कि धरती जितने संसाधन पैदा कर सकती है उससे ज़्यादा हम खपत कर रहे हैं. https://www.ndtv.com/video/shows/prime-time/prime-time-earth-fulfill-our-need-not-greedy-464421

Sunita Narain says that ozone pollution increases risk in Delhi, which is dangerous for health.

In a few hours, Donald Trump is likely to announce that the US is pulling out of the Paris climate accord. What will the impact be on India and will this unravel the fight against climate change?

Debate on Emission norms the Verdict Auto Companies Chose to Sit Back Supreme Court

In a landmark ruling, Supreme Court today banned the sale of BS-III vehicles across India, with effect from April 1, 2017. The court observed that public health is more important than commercial interests. Car manufacturers can no longer sell vehicles that do not comply with Bharat Stage IV emission norms. Will our netas follow the ruling? We debate on The Buck Stops Here.
