Safety concerns have been raised over the dumping of garbage close to the eastern boundary wall of the Thiruvananthapuram International Airport, and the City Corporation's move to deposit waste in

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Vilappilsala waste treatment plant will be closed down and a zero waste management project will be implemented to deal with wastes generated in the Corporation limits, said

Janakiya Samithi to block garbage trucks from Wednesday

Carry bags to cost up to Rs.10; paper and cloth bags manufactured by self-help groups to be made available

The City Corporation is planning to increase the price of plastic carry bags to discourage their sale and use in the city. Mayor K. Chandrika said here on Sunday that depending on their thickness, plastic bags would cost up to Rs.10 at retail shops.

Needs of all local bodies taken into account
The draft document of the Comprehensive Health Plan for the district for the next five years, an initiative spearheaded by the Health Department and the National Rural Health Mission, in coordination with various other government departments, local self governments and agencies, was released by Health Minister Adoor Prakash here on Wednesday.

With the Sabarimala pilgrimage season in full swing, the State is intensifying its activities to deal with the plastic threat at the hill temple.

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM Where elephants will fear to tread, or will not fear to tread, is not something that can be foretold. But not any more.

The first meeting of the reconstituted district-level Vigilance and Monitoring Committee on State and Centrally sponsored rural development schemes in the district was held here on Saturday.

A high-level meeting held here on Friday has decided to consult all political parties on ways to proceed with the proposed trans-Kerala high-speed rail corridor project to link Thiruvananthapuram w

The Chief Technical Examiner (CTE) has cleared proposals for 43 drinking water supply schemes having a combined outlay of roughly Rs.227 crore, Water Resources Minister P. J. Joseph has said.

Responding to a calling attention motion moved by Varkala Kahar (Congress) in the Assembly on Thursday, the Minister said these included 40 projects having a total outlay of Rs.181.28 crore and another three projects with a total outlay of Rs.46.81 crore.
