Rural areas account for over 60% of all deaths; Delhi may have highest number of fatalities but has one of the lowest number of deaths per 10,000 vehicles: 4.8

Reckless Tempo Drivers, Careless Pedestrians, Heavy Tonnage Vehicles Account For Accidents If you manage to reach home alive out of the traffic mayhem each day, especially Sunday, thank your stars. Reckless tempo drivers, a careless pedestrian doing an obstacle race between moving vehicles during peak hours, trucks jabbing a rickshaw, cyclist or a hawker and a bumper to bumper ride

GRUESOME highway accidents are so common in India that they are routinely relegated to the inside pages of newspapers. But the month of March took, as it were, the cake (see pages 18-19): in the

A US study refutes the notion that airline pilots nearing 60 are more likely to cause accidents than their younger colleagues. The two-year study, which analysed accident data between 1976 and
