Jagadish Angadi

The deadly mix of mounting vehicular traffic, diversions galore due to the ongoing Metro Rail work and unceasing violations had Bangalore roads in a tizzy. Here

CHENNAI: Traffic management efforts in the State received a boost with the launch of the Road Accident Data Management System (RADMS) here on Monday. It has a database of real time, usable data that can help in reducing the number of fatal accidents.

How about low-emission vehicles and more active travel like walking and cycling? (Editorial)

Rohith Raj K

KOCHI: Road accidents are not accidental. We see many a life lost to speeding buses and rash drivers on the road. Kochi witnesses the violation of traffic rules every day and we are left to wonder why the authorities fail to insist on safety measures.

Road traffic injuries and deaths are a hidden epidemic in the cities of Uttar Pradesh. With one exception they have among the highest road accident fatalities in India. Despite this, road safety is yet to be a political priority in UP.


The much hyped BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) corridor in posh South Delhi, which is believed South Delhi, which is believed to hinder the smooth flow of traffic making you crawl to work is now being considered by experts as "a model road project aimed to bring down road accidents".

Survey By CRRI Takes Into Account Mishaps Avoided And Pollution Curbed

Most countries in the Commonwealth are involved in planning urban transportation futures to combat climate change. The proposed technical fixes will have little impact unless urban transportation planners resist the move toward infrastructure development that fixes our future to high energy use and CO2 emissions.

Pedestrians have ceased to have a place in urban transport plans in India. (Editorial)

View image India, China get WHO top ranking for traffic accident deaths Road accidents will become the fifth leading cause of death in the world by 2030. Highlights of the report on 178 countries Over 1.2 million people die and 20-50 million get injured in road accidents every year The number may
