A Kenyan company has taken the mantra "waste not, want not" to unusual lengths by using human faeces to manufacture briquettes for use for use in cooking and heating.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Generation of Power from Wastes, 03/08/2017. The details of CFA provided by MNRE and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs under SBM during the last there years and the current year, State/UTs wise are given at Annexure-I & II. Presently, five projects of 66.4 MW are operational and generating power from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and running successfully in Solapur, Maharashtra; Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh; and New Delhi, which are able to process about 4516 Tons MSW per day.

CHENNAI: As states compete with each other to lower solar power tariff, companies have begun expressing doubts about the viability of solar power projects.

Environment and science exhibition to be an eye-opener for MPs.

Activities such as segregation, composting, refuse-derived fuel (RFD) making and setting up of waste-to-energy plants up to 15 megawatt capacity at existing landfill sites, don't require green clea

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Capt. Mall Singh & Others Vs. State of Punjab & Others dated 11/07/2017 regarding collection and disposal of Municipal Solid Waste and other waste in the state of Punjab.

CHANDIGARH: In order to tackle the problem of silt collected in sewerages, Haryana government would explore the possibility of generating energy from liquid waste in the urban areas of the state.

Surat: A systematic plastic waste management in the city has begun with the commissioning of a plastic waste management plant at Bhatar.

It will have serious economic, environmental and social implications, they claim
