Report filed by the Joint Committee constituted on the NGT order of December 10, 2019 regarding restoration of a waterbody Palkeni Kulam, Pallavaram, Tamil Nadu dated 11/01/2021.

In a meeting of the Committee it was decided that the Tahsildar, Pallavaram would remove the encroachments around the waterbody and take steps to allot alternative accommodations for the 111 encroachers in the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board tenements in Padappai.

Fifth report of the Yamuna Monitoring Committee for the rejuvenation of the river Yamuna and abatement of pollution in Original Application No. 6/2012 in the matter of Manoj Mishra Vs Union of India & Others.

Updated report of Oversight Committee in compliance of National Green Tribunal order passed in Original Application No. 324/2016.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Lt. Col. Sarvadaman Singh Oberoi Vs Union of India & Others dated 18/11/2020.

The issue for consideration in the original application was identification, protection and restoration of water bodies in Gurgaon in Haryana. However, in the light of proceedings which took place, the scope of the application was extended to the entire state and then to the entire country, in the interest of protection of the environment.

Consolidated status report on restoration of water bodies in compliance to the National Green Tribunal order of June 1, 2020 in the matter of Lt. Col. Sarvdaman Singh Oberoi Vs Union of India & Others.

Affidavit filed by the Amballoor Grama Panchayat in the matter of Manakunnam village Padashekara Samrakshana Samithy Vs Thripunithura Municipality & Others (Application No. 237 of 2017) dated 23/10/2020.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Southern Zone, Chennai) in the matter of Tribunal on its own motion Vs The Secretary to Government of Tamil Nadu dated 20/10/2020. The matter related to disposal of sewage in Buckingham Canal by private lorries.

Joint Committee report submitted to the National Green Tribunal in response to the NGT order of July 15, 2020 in Original Application No. 191 of 2015 filed by S. P. Muthuraman. The matter related to illegal sand mining on the banks of Thamirabarani river and discharge of illegal trade effluents into the river by the nearby industries and workshops. The pollution was also caused on account of discharge of untreated sewage into the river.

Submission on behalf of the DPCC with respect to the letter of Monitoring Committee of August 24, 2020. The Monitoring Committee for the river Yamuuna had raised issues on the pooling of resources and use of funds in particular the EC and Consent funds, so that it could be used in the utilization of action plans for abatement of pollution in river Yamuna. DPCC stated that EC received was Rs. 52 crores, out of which Rs. 12. 4 crores have already been spent and Rs. 39.6 crores was the balance available.

Action taken report in compliance of National Green Tribunal order of March 18, 2020 on behalf of Himachal Pradesh state through Joint Secretary (Town & Country Planning/ Urban Development). The report was filed on August 04, 2020.
