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A major land conservation bill lies stalled in the us Congress. The California Desert Protection Bill, described as the biggest land conservation measure in the country in over a decade, is being

To reduce emissions of ozone depleting substances, a state government in Germany has hauled the reins on motorists rocketing down highways

"FROM the Nile to the Jordan to the Euphrates, armies have been mobilised and treaties signed over this precious commodity. In recent years, the needs of ever-increasing populations and burgeoning

An US Environment Protection Agency decision has added fuel to the fire in the row between the American oil industry and ethanol producers

Tanzanian farmers need no longer flee to the cities in search of greener pastures. The spectre of mass migration from rural areas has been haunting the nation ever since it was hit by a severe crop

As the Gujarat forest department persists in planting a weed that sucks dry all the water in its vicinity, the Little Rann of Kutch gets...

The Nepali government has finally admitted that the state-run Himal cement factory in Kathmandu is a major polluter. The factory will now be fitted with pulse jet filters and filter bags to trap the

Fisherfolk go militant as state intervention stinks

FRUIT and vegetable farmers in California, USA, are experiencing one of the driest seasons of the century, not because of paltry rains but due to a shortsighted official policy. A new ruling has
