Enable Block: 

Water today is undervalued, misused and misallocated. Too many of us take it for granted - we turn on the tap and it flows. But did you know only 4% of Earth’s water is freshwater and only 0.5% of that is safe for human consumption? As shocks of drought and deluge unleash their devastation, water has forced itself to center stage. It demands that we change fundamentally; it asks that we value it profoundly.

Challenge to preserve water

On THE NEWSHOUR, TIMES NOW Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami, with panelists -- Aryama Sundaram, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court; Sunita Narain, Director, Centre for Science and Environment; Prof H M Desarda, Petitioner; Vimlendu Jha, Environmentalist & Founder, Swecha; Mini Mathur, Actor; Shailendra Singh, Joint MD, Percept; Neetu Bhatia, CEO, KyaZoonga (Entertainment & Sports Ticketing Company); Dr Bimal Soni, Deputy President, Rajasthan Cricket Association; Himanshu Chaturvedi, Founder, Lokdeeksha Sports Law Initiative; and C Rajashekharan, Advocate, Madras High Court -- discuss BCCI'

प्यासी दिल्ली, सरकार खामोश, इस मुद्दे पर बात करने के लिए आईबीएन7 के साथ दिल्ली से मौजूद हैं आम आदमी पार्टी के प्रवक्ता सोमनाथ भारती, कांग्रेस की प्रवक्ता अमृता धवन, स्टूडियो में मौजूद हैं बीजेपी नेता अश्विनी उपाध्याय, और सेंटर फॉर साइंड एंड एनवायरनमेंट यानी सीएसई की वॉटर टीम के प्रमुख सुरेश रोहिला।

Mon, 2015-07-06 (All day)
Mon, 2015-07-06 (All day)
Thu, 2014-06-19 (All day)
