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Accelerated melting of glaciers floods Bhakra Nangal dam

This paper deals with how urban Indian households obtain water for their daily requirements. The link between economic status and access allows the analysis of issues such as water sharing, sole access, ability to pay, need for improvements, etc. The authors also put forth a strategy for levying user charges for different economic status households.

Water has suddenly become a favoured subject for seminars and conferences all over the world.

Kolleru Lake is the largest natural freshwater lake in the districts of East and West Godavari of Andhra Pradesh. The major population centres in the Kolleru Lake region are the 148 villages of which 50 bed villages and 98 belt villages. All bed and belt villages in lake region have atleast one drinking water pond.

Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) has been launched by Govt. of lndia for promoting urban reforms and investments in the selected 63 cities of India. Ludhiana is one of the eligible cities. CDP is a requirement to access the funds under JNNURM as per the guidelines.

The future adequacy of freshwater resources is difficult to assess, owing to a complex and rapidly changing geography of water supply and use. Numerical experiments combining climate model outputs, water budgets, and socioeconomic information along digitized river networks demonstrate that (i) a large proportion of the world's population is currently experiencing water stress and (ii) rising water demands greatly outweigh greenhouse warming in defining the state of global water systems to 2025.

Even as the Bio-diversity Bill is still being fine-tuned, a national convention gets under way this week to work out a strategy to conserve the country's fast depleting

The Tehri dam project needs a fresh review for seismic viability in view of the recent devastating earthquake, the Malpa landslide and the 1991 Uttarkashi earthquake, experts have said.

The basin area of the Ganges river in Bangladesh is extremely dependent on a regular water supply from upstream to meet requirements for agriculture, fisheries, navigation, salinity control, domestic and industrial sectors. In 1975 India commissioned a barrage on the Ganga river at Farakka to divert significant portion of the dry season flow in order to make the Calcutta port navigable.
