The Japanese have refuted Indian press reports that they were satisfied with R&R measures for the Narmada dam project

A new plan to popularise solar photovoltaic products has recently been launched in India

After six meetings on how to restructure the Global Environment Facility, a consensus remains elusive.

THE WORLD Bank will require more environmental protection by Asian loan recipients. The bank might demand the use of unleaded gasoline and better traffic management and might even require recycling

Critics have condemned the World Bank's new information policy, as a mockery of the basic rules of informed public debate and environmental review of projects.

The World Bank, which is the largest lender of aid to the Third World, is casting its shadow on decisions made by the Indian Union ministry of environment and forests.

The World Bank continues to finance a development project in northwest Brazil, despite warnings that it would adversely affect the Uru Eu Wau Wau Indians.

THE US Congress approval of less than the requested funding for the world's poorest countries has put the International Development Agency (IDA) of the World Bank in trouble. Though the Clinton

In a severe indictment of the World Bank's (WB) record of resettlement of people affected by its projects in India, the bank's own Operations Evaluation Division (OED) has recommended that funding of

Nongovernmental organisations have criticised the cautious stand the desertification convention secretariat has taken in order to garner funds from industrialised countries.
