The World Bank (WB) in its 50-year history has supported more than 6,600 development projects worth

Funding and technology cooperation in the past 17 years indicate that research and development (R&D) is becoming increasingly globalised. Foreign funding of industrial R&D in the US increased almost

Labour union membership has declined substantially over the past decade around the world. Even in European countries which traditionally had strong unions, the membership is decreasing. However, the

As the number of vehicles produced around the world increase every year, so does the pollution from these

On an average, disasters killed more than 1.2 lakh people and affected more than 135.5 million people every year between 1971-1995. Floods killed the maximum number of people in Asia, particularly in

As of 1997, the world consumes five million tonnes of grain daily. To feed the world's human population of almost 5.8 billion - growing by 80 million people a year - production of foodgrains,

The ecological balance of the islands of Galapagos is being threatened by population growth,

A decent toilet is an unknown luxury to half the people on Earth. An estimated 2.9 billion people lack of access to adequate sanitation, up from 2.6 billion in 1990. The percentage of people with access to sanitation has actually fallen in the developing world since 1990 as funding has declined and population has increased.

Leaded gasoline causes about 90 per cent of airborne lead pollution in cities, the rest of which comes from

Of the estimated 52 million deaths worldwide in 1996, about 40 million were in the developing world, including nearly nine million in the least developed countries. Of the 40 million deaths in the
