Question raised in Lok Sabha on Solid Waste Management, 16/03/2018. Central Pollution Control Board has assessed the quantity of sewage generation and treatment capacity for Urban Population of India for the year 2015. It is estimated that the sewage generation is approximately 61948 MLD and sewage treatment capacity developed so far is 23277 MLD. The State/UT wise detail is enclosed as Annexure I. The total sewage generation for the state of Rajasthan is 2736 MLD against the treatment capacity of 865.92 MLD.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Sewage Treatment Plants, 16/03/2018. Discharge of untreated sewage from cities and towns is a major source of pollution of rivers. As per a report published by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in March, 2015, sewage generation from urban areas in the country is estimated at 61,948 million litres per day (mld), against which the available sewage treatment capacity is only 23,277 mld (37% of the sewage generation). The State-wise details of sewage generation from urban areas and corresponding sewage treatment capacity available are at Annexure.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Pollution in Major Rivers, 16/03/2018. Rivers in the country are mainly polluted due to discharge of untreated and partially treated sewage from cities/towns and industrial effluents. Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has informed that there are a total number of 2892 Grossly Polluting Industries (GPIs) discharging effluent into water bodies, including rivers, across the country. These industries are required to meet the prescribed effluent quality norms before discharging their treated effluent into rivers & other water bodies.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Supply of piped water to all households, 12/03/2018. The State-wise number of rural households which have been provided piped water till date is at Annexure.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Waste Water Treatment Plants, 09/03/2018. As per a report published by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in March, 2015, the sewage generation from urban areas in the country is estimated at 61,948 million litres per day (mld), against which the available sewage treatment capacity is only 23,277 mld (37% of the sewage generation) in 816 sewage treatment plants (including 145 sewage

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Population of Tigers, 09/03/2018. As per the assessment of Status of Tigers, Co-predators and Prey, 2014 using the refined / state-of-the art methodology, the tiger number has shown a 30% increase countrywide with an estimated number of 2226 (range 1945-2491) as compared to the 2010 estimation of 1706 (range 1520-1909 tigers). The country level tiger estimation using the refined / state-of-the art methodology is done once in four years.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on National Adaptation Fund on Climate Change, 09/03/2018. The National Adaptation Fund on Climate Change is meant to meet cost of adaptation measures of States/ Union Territories. So far, 26 projects have been approved at a total cost of Rs. 648.90 crore out of which Rs. 315.30 crore has been released covering the sectors of water, agriculture and animal husbandry and forestry. The details of grant approved and released, during last two years and current financial years, to State/ Union Territories, including Madhya Pradesh are at Annexure-I.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Death of Wild Animals, 09/03/2018. Government of India provides financial assistance to all State/Union territory Governments under the various Centrally Sponsored Schemes for conservation and management of wildlife in the country. Details of funds released under these schemes viz. ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats’, ‘Project Tiger’ and ‘Project Elephant’ during the last three years is at Annexure-1a, 1b and 1c.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Compensation to Farmers for Crop Losses due to Hailstorm, 09/03/2018. In the month of February, 2018 many States viz; Punjab, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Telangana, Karnataka and other northern States had received rainfall and some States were hit by hailstorms. As per preliminary reports, crop area affected due to hailstorms/unseasonal rains in the States is at Annexure-I.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Chemical Contamination of Rivers, 09/03/2018. There are 38 rivers, 27 lakes, 3 ponds and 18 tanks which are critically polluted having a COD concentration of more than 250 mg/l, which is the discharge standard for a polluting source such as sewage treatment plants and industrial effluent treatment plants. The State-wise list of these polluted rivers, lakes, ponds and tanks are given in Annexure.
