Question raised in Lok Sabha on Pradhan Mantri Fsal Bima Yojana, 19/12/2017. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) has been under implementation in the country since Kharif 2016 season. State-wise details of the amount insured during 2016-17 (both Kharif 2016 and Rabi 2016-17) under PMFBY are given in Annexure. 26 States and Union Territories implemented the scheme during 2016-17. State-wise details of loanee and non-loanee farmer applicants who availed benefit of PMFBY during 2016-17 (both Kharif 2016 and Rabi 2016-17) are annexed.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on MSP for Agricultural Produce, 19/12/2017. Government has increased the MSPs of various agricultural produces for 2017-18 season. Details are at Annexure. There is no further proposal for this year in this regard.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Increase in Minimum Support Price, 19/12/2017. For Rabi crops 2017-18, the Government has increased the MSP of wheat to Rs. 1735 per quintal in 2017-18 as compared to Rs. 1625 per quintal in 2016-17. For Barley, MSP has been increased to Rs. 1410 per quintal for 2017-18 from Rs. 1325 per quintal in 2016-17. For Gram the MSP has been increased to Rs. 4400 (including a bonus of Rs. 150 per quintal) for 2017-18 from Rs. 4000 per quintal in 2016-17. For Masur, MSP has been increased to Rs. 4250 per quintal (including a bonus of Rs.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Drought Assistance, 19/12/2017. During 2017-18, the Government of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan have so far declared drought, as indicated in this document. During 2017-18, the Government of Rajasthan has so far declared drought in 4151 villages in 41 tehsil in 13 districts of the State. Statement, indicating State-wise position, is annexed.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Compensation Under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, 19/12/2017. Crop season-wise, State-wise and insurance company-wise details of premium amount collected alongwith share of Government both Central and State and share of farmers; total claims and number of farmers to whom the claims are paid during 2016-17 under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) are annexed. Details for 2017-18 are not available as the harvesting for the Kharif crops is still in progress.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Encroachment of Forest Land, 18/12/2017. The details of State/Union Territory wise Recorded Forest Area as per the India State of Forest Report (ISFR), 2015 of Forest Survey of India, Dehradun and the information on forest area under encroachment as received from respective State/UT Governments are at Annexure – 1.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Environmental damage due to illegal mining, 18/12/2017. As informed by Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) (a subordinate office of the Ministry of Mines), the detail of illegal mining reported in various parts of the country and the action taken by State Governments, for the last five years i.e. 2013-14 to 2017-18 (till Quarter ending June 2017) are at Annexure-I.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Environmental clearance to hydro power projects, 18/12/2017. A total of 204 hydroelectric power stations are presently functional in the country. A total of sixty nine (69) hydroelectric power projects have been granted environmental clearances in the country by this Ministry since notification of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006. List is annexed (Annexure-I).

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Compensatory afforestation on forest land, 18/12/2017. Compensatory afforestation has been done on 8.13 lakh hectare (Non forest land- 3.27 lakh ha. and Degraded forest land- 4.86 lakh ha.) from the Compensatory Afforestation Fund. Fund released to different States/Union Territories upto 30.11.2017 from Compensatory Afforestation Fund managed by Ad-hoc CAMPA is placed at Annexure-A.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Areas affected by arsenic contaminated water, 18/12/2017. State /District / Union Territory wise number of arsenic affected habitations in the country as reported by the States in Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) of the Ministry as on 13th December, 2017 is at Annexure.
