Green Scientist Award
Green Scientist Award
T he Centre for Science and Environment ( cse ) and Down To Earth have instituted the award to highlight the state of environmental research in India and to encourage and honour commendable efforts in this crucial but ignored area. This is one way to make more funds available for environmental research in the country.
To begin with, a peer group was identified to recommend and nominate scientists. Members were chosen on the basis of their role in priority areas of environmental science and technology in India. Letters were sent to them, seeking nominations. An advertisement was also placed in Down To Earth , asking our readers to send nominations. A third way to obtain nominations was to write to heads of scientific institutions.
Nominations were accepted on the basis of certain criteria.
l Standing and profile of the person who sent a nomination.
l Relevance of the nominee's work to various environmental areas.
A total of 58 nominations were received. Of these, 8 were shortlisted for the final rating. Down To Earth reporters went out to investigate the work of the scientists at the field level. They submitted lengthy reports. These reports were then submitted to the jury panel. After the jury panel cleared and finalised the names of the shortlisted candidates, rating was undertaken in accordance with specified criteria and priority areas accepted by the jury (see p44: Basis of rating ).
Rating was first carried out by an internal group of cse . The results of the rating were submitted to the jury panel. The ratings were deliberated over by the jury members and then the award was finalised.