The last time there was a major push for renewable energy alternatives to polluting fossil fuels was in the aftermath of 1970s oil shock. And then, everyone conveniently relegated the issue to the back burner. With oil prices spiralling through the roof i

Based on public hearings, environmental clearances are given to companies concerned

How do you visualise Ralegan's future ? I would like to see to it that Ralegan doesn't return to its past conditions. Twenty five years ago the social conditions in Ralegan were different

When it comes to making profit, a living whale shark is worth many times more than a dead one. One decent-sized whale shark fetches between Rs 20,000 and Rs 30,000. This includes Rs 5,000-7,000 from

In an unholy synergy, a myopic government policy and consequent fuel inefficiency prepare India for a major human-made energy crisis

Who follows the public hearing procedures? Neither the government nor the project promoters

The Indian government subsidises certain petroleum products like diesel This encourages consumers to switch from expensive petrol to cheap diesel Diesel emissions are more harmful than

Right to information and transparency in eia c> are critical for public participation in development projects

Exposure to diesel particles can lead to serious ilnesses. Still, the Indian government encourages its use by subsidising it

Some of the flaws in the current public hearing notification:
