After the Gujarat government realised the failure of its water harvesting programmes between 1997 and 2000, it turned to civil society groups (CSGs) for solutions. There are some outstanding efforts

The harvesting of sea cucumber is a bone of contentions between local fisherfolk and authorities in Gal pagos

Gujarat's minister for Narmada and major irrigation projects, Jay Narain Vyas, has a difficult job. He is in charge of handling an issue that draws extremely emotional and polarised responses. He

The checkdam constructed at Jodia village in Jamnagar lies breached today. Residents of the village point out that the checkdam, constructed in May, was finished in a hurry by the contractor. Now,

Report card: A scheme that can help solve the water crisis has become a tool to promote political interests of the ruling party
Success level: Poor

In the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, neeru (water) is scarce. Like so many other Indian cities, water supply from government facilities through pipes has been extremely poor

GOOD NEWS: There is more evidence to show that water harvesting can go a long way in dealing with drought and solving the water crisis, and even governments in India are learning
BAD NEWS: Crash programmes are not the answers by themsel

Public hearings for environmental clearance of industry have become a mockery in Karnataka

A quarter of a century ago, a jeep driver decided it was time to make a change. Ralegan Siddhi, made into a model village by Anna Hazare, faces challenges of a different kind today

Fisherfolk on the coast of Saurashtra kill whale sharks to make a living. If this is replaced by an ecotourism scheme the people and the fish would both be better off
