As the red jungle fowl started travelling across the globe, its connections to different aspects of human life also grew. It assumed the responsibility of sounding the wake-up call to humans. Because

The red jungle fowl (RJF) is one of the four jungle fowls found in the Indian subcontinent belonging to the genus Gallus, the other three being grey, Ceylon and green. It is also know as Gallus

Traditional tolerance of wild animals, which may be harmful to humans, their settlements and livelihood have contributed substantially to India

For the country where only 15 per cent of its population have access to electricity, Nepal has come a long way. It took 84 years to achieve power generation of 250 megawatt. And only five years to add a whopping 125 megawatt through microhydels, an incr

Climate change is a very slow process, notoriously difficult to understand. Is it happening in India? Residents of some Himalayan towns, where the ecology is known to be very sensitive, observe some clear indications of change. It is getting warmer, the

A microhydel project a day. Communities snatch the

Very little is known about changes in climatic conditions. More so in India, given the state of scientific research. One way to study this is through observations of people about their local

How a Nepalese village sets up a microhydel projct

Whether it is Asia or Europe, countries find a new mantra: decentralise and electrify

China, Nepal and India have vast hydropower potential. While China and Nepal have gone from small decentralised projects, India seems obsessed with big centralised projects
