Urban air pollution is an emerging threat to Bhutan s uncontaminated air

With the future in mind, Bhutan bans plastic use

Asbestos makes homes, but it also causes cancer. The indestructible substance is increasingly being cast aside by developed countries, Canada being one of the exceptions. It continues to export asbestos to developing countries such as India, where the w

When left intact, asbestos fibres do not pose a health risk to the human body They are a potential risk when the materials become damaged to the extent where asbestos fibres become airborne and

The diseases that are associated with exposure to asbestos particles

The Supreme Court speaks for the workers of the asbestos industry

Prescribed as the antidote for all problems related to vehicular pollution, Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificates have been an obsession with the Indian government for a decade now. This is happening at a time when other countries are criticising the

The challenge is how to isolate gross polluters from the vehicle fleet and send them back to the manufacturers

CSE analyses ARAI data, proves gross polluter concept exists in India. Further, emissions do not correlate with the age of the vehicle

Remote sensing and on board diagnostic systems help identify gross polluters
