There was fear in the 1960s. Would India continue to wait for food imports to feed itself? The scientific community came up with an answer that gave hope for all times to come: the Green Revolution. Yields began to rise. The country had surplus foodgrain.

One man s dedication transformed the degraded, deforested land of his village

Don't blame your genes. Environment and lifestyle cause cancer

Cost of production has spiralled, but the rate of increase in production has not shown a similar trend. Ecological and social costs, meanwhile, are totally disregarded

Excessive rice cultivation has led to selenium toxicity

Incidence of cancer and other diseases have increased. But callous officials prefer to call it a coincidence

Punjab, which accounts for only 1.5 per cent of the total geographical area of the country, cannot continue producing for the whole country. It is time to look for an alternative

A normal cell does not live forever. It kills itself to make space for younger cells. During their lifespan, cells proli

Exposure to environmental pollutants is known to be harmful to health, in general, and to lungs in particular. In this respect, traffic police are at particular risk due to the nature of their job, since they are exposed to emissions from the vehicles.

A simple chemical reaction is the basis of fuel cell technology. Fuel cells run on hydrogen to provide electricity. The only byproduct is water vapour. Clean, environment friendly, exciting. But haven t we heard too much about them already without anythin
