A unique case of state government taking the lead but slowing down in the face of opposition from trade unions

There is a need for better communication between the government and the people

At a time when hardly any government agency in India studies and publicises the harm that filthy air can cause to human health, one man is trying to come up with some scientific data to understand

There is a large support of a passive nature, but no outcry against air pollution

Source: N Mattson 1998, GENIE: An energy systems model with uncertain learning, quoted in Anon 1999, A GENIE for Imperfect Foresight, IEA/OECD ETSAP News, June

One of the main reasons given for nationalising the coalmines of India was to protect workers from accidents. What followed was large scale destruction of the environment. Now, the danger is not just from accidents that kill. For the residents of coal tow

What slaughter mining and power plants have done to the people and the environment

There is no comprehensive study to find out the

They were lured into a death trap. In 1837, when British geologists discovered coal "after scratching the land" at Gopalprasad village near Talcher in Orissa, the villagers rejoiced, anticipating

If you travel from Hazaribagh town towards Badakagaon block in Bihar, you will find hundreds of people carrying coal on their bicycles. The people from nearby villages
