In the last 50 years, India s population has registered a three fold increase

They may survive the drought. But they cannot survive government policies. When people have to abandon their livestock, they are reduced to misery, as is happening in Gujarat and Rajasthan. Because India s rural economy is built around livestock, which ca

The gathering is a strange mix of cultures, a capsular representation of India's cultural and biological diversity. It is January 26, 2000, and the National Livestock and Poultry Show is underway on

For the urban Indian, upwardly mobile on auto-power, livestock means products like milk and meat. For 75 per cent of India living in villages, it means transport, power, fertiliser and food

It is a sabbatical for cattle. A few days after the Hindu festival of Raksha Bandhan, just before the harvest of the rabi crop, hal chhatt is observed. Bullocks are rested completely, cows are not

Government is sponsoring unsustainability at the cost of traditons which have sustained India

If you want to see how water scarcity is created, pay a visit to Gaffurbhai Allahrakhha. Right since he learned to walk, he has been the caretaker of a shrine of a saint, built on the embankment of

Government has to revise its policies. But it will have to learn from the civil society

Two new proposed Indian legislations will please the World Trade Organisation. But will they protect the rights of Indian farmers over the country s agricultural biodiversity?

If there is one country that has done quite well for itself in managing the natural environment throughout its history, it is Japan. But the run up to modernisation has changed things. Success has its cost too much of it can be too costly. A
