A campaign by an organisation to clean up the polluted lakes of Udaipur has finally paid off. The Rajasthan High Court clamps down on erring government officials

Abundant, nutritious and tasty. Yet, traditional desert food is gradually losing out to commercially grown crops

For the residents of Udaipur, the struggle in the courts has been a long one

As the clock continues to tick, problems increase, food and water shortages in particular

An estimated 8,000 babies are born with neural defects every year in Rajasthan. Most of them die within a few months of birth. They are lucky. Because those who survive suffer from grave deformities. S G Kabra, physician at the Indian Institute of Health

While medics call for more research, government officials dismiss the finding saying private studies are not enough

Texas University researchers study the link between pesticides and birth deformities

A clear, comprehensive policy on pesticide use and awareness about its harmful effects can help in solving the problems

A shadow of doubt has been raised on the possible link between pesticide pollution and babies with birth defects. But a detailed analysis is yet to come by. As part of the article, Umbilical Discord , Down To Earth wrote to a few experts seeking their op

Neural Tube Defect (NTD) is a birth defect that results from incomplete closure of the neural tube during embryonic development. Some of the manifestations of it are: ANENCEPHALY: a universally
