A dispute over a plot demarcation has highlighted the problem of protecting privately owned forests in Himachal.

Awareness campaigns in three countries have reduced the risk of contracting AIDS.

An Indian firm has developed a drug that delays the onset of AIDS and reduce the cost of treatment.

Interim relief payments have thrown up touts galore, and final compensation will only increase the rampant corruption.

Coffin nail

NESTLE seems to have perfected the fine art of profiting at another's expense. Its infant food substitutes have been a known cause of diarrhoea and death among year-old babies. Now, the company

Forest officials are confronted with the spread of a weed that stifles tree growth but is useful for making baskets.

Dying nation

INDIA'S entire geography has been covered by aerial photography, but development agencies and town planners cannot use the data because of national security regulations. "Even archival maps are not

Scientists at the University of California, Irvine, have made the world's smallest battery -- about the size of the common-cold virus (Science, Vol 257 No 5074). Chemist Reginald Penner and his
