Biotechnology, which holds the answers to many persistent problems such as controlling disease and increasing food production, has tremendous potential in cash strapped India. But to succeed, it needs a helping hand from industry.
JAPANESE cows now have their personal paging systems... call, and they come -- more eagerly if its piano music that has distinct and individual notes. With cowherds becoming unaffordable in Japan,
Patents are monopoly rights granted to the inventors to protect their economic interests. But this becomes complicated when the patent is applied to life forms on a global scale.
State legislature should decide the powers of gram sabhas. All states must have panchayats at the village level. But state legislatures can decide if they want panchayats also at
The gharat, a water wheel used for centuries by the Himalayan people, has now been modified so that it can empower several machines simultaneously. Unfortunately, the government is not making the effort to popularise it.
UKRAINE will stage an international competition for engineers to ensure the lasting safety of the Chernobyl nuclear plant. It is hoping to lure aid from the Group of Seven (G-7) industrialised
State legislatures can decide the composition of municipalities. State legislatures can decide whether they want committees at the ward level or other levels within a municipal
THOSE who linked the exit in July of Carlo di Meana, former European Community commissioner for environment, with England's assuming the presidency of the EC commission, have been vindicated.