Contingency and compensatory agriculture plans for droughts and floods in India 2012

Growth in agriculture in general, and rainfed agriculture in particular, was impressive as well as inclusive during the 11th Plan. Variability around the growth trend and in production has reduced due to better and robust technologies, proactive management and safety nets against extreme weather events like cold/heat waves, droughts, floods etc. The year 2012 was unique in experiencing a delayed onset and deficient monsoon in the initial phase, followed by heavy rainfall, cloud burst, extended withdrawal and floods in various parts of India. However, the volatility of production and farm income was minimized by contingency plans, including compensatory production strategy for the kharif and subsequent rabi crops.
The drought and flood management strategies were inter-sectoral, complementary and comprehensive for realizing convergence. Relevant advisories were issued by NRAA from time to time to overcome the dynamically developing contingencies. The unique contingency plan of 2012 compiled by the NRAA will be a valuable experience for the future. Such documents will be useful in dealing with ever increasing anomalies and extreme weather events due to the effects of climate change.
