Approaches for gender responsive urban mobility

The new publication is a guide for policy-makers, administrations and interested citizens and serves as framework document for sustainable transport policy. Transport is often seen as gender neutral – a road or bus system will benefit all equally. In fact, it´s not! Women and men have different expectations, needs and constraints for using transportation systems. “Approaches for Gender Responsive Urban Transport” discusses how we should deal with gender issues in transport policy and planning. It summarizes not only the current situation women very often face in urban transport worldwide, it also outlines why gender responsive transport planning is needed, and offers best practice examples as well as concrete tools to take action. The publication intends to give an overview of the rationale of gender responsive urban transport. Key issues to tackle are the support of women’s participation in decision-making, the improvement in accessibility, safety and comfort of transport modes and the planning of transport services in response to gender needs.
