Climate change plans and infrastructure in Asian cities: a survey of plans and priorities
Climate change plans and infrastructure in Asian cities: a survey of plans and priorities
This new regional study of 900 cities published by the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities and the Cities Development Initiative for Asia gives an insight into climate change priorities in urban policies, plans and investments of Asian cities.
Only 3 percent of Asian cities have a plan to tackle the challenge of climate change, a regional study of nearly 900 cities found. Surprisingly, of the 29 cities with climate change plans, only five are capital cities: Bangkok, Delhi, Seoul, Singapore and Tokyo. Most plans were developed by cities in India, China and Vietnam. The report, published by the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia) and the Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) with support from GIZ, gives an insight into climate change priorities in urban policies, plans and investments of Asian cities to guide future decisions.
See Also
Report: Progress and challenges in urban climate adaptation planning.
Report: Climate change, disaster risk, and the urban poor.
Report: Catalyzing urban climate...
Report: Ask the climate question.
Report: Climate disaster resilience.
Report: Planning for climate change.
Report: Urban futures 2030.
Report: No public transport?
Report: Climate resilient and sustainable urban development.