Cost of implementing methodologies and monitoring systems relating to estimates of emissions from deforestation and forest....

This paper provides an overview of the possible steps and requirements needed to develop and implement a monitoring system for estimating emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, assessing carbon stocks and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from changes in forest cover, and assessing the enhancement of forest carbon stocks. It provides information on the indicative costs associated with the possible steps and requirements of a national monitoring system. The difference
in terms of cost implications and capacities between establishing a national monitoring system for GHG emissions and removals from deforestation and forest degradation, and maintaining and/or upgrading an existing system for monitoring are presented and discussed. This paper aims to facilitate the better understanding of the associated costs of the implementation of methodologies and monitoring systems related to estimates of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, the assessment of carbon stocks and GHG emissions from changes in forest cover, and the enhancement of forest carbon stocks. It also illustrates elements that developing
countries may need to take into account when developing a national monitoring system.
