Design, monitoring, and evaluation in a changing climate: Lessons learned from agriculture and food security programme evaluations in Asia

Some of the greatest challenges for Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) practice relate to the connected themes agriculture, food security, and rural livelihoods. Asia is home to 87% of the world’s 500 million smallholder farms (Thapa and Ghaiha 2011), for whom the risks posed by climate change are significant and urgent. This paper is the first in a series of SEA Change / UKCIP Evaluation Reviews, which are intended as short briefs highlighting and distilling findings from published evaluations of climate change related programme interventions. This first paper is aimed at sharing some design, monitoring, and evaluation (DME) ‘lessons learned’ that are pertinent to CCA, which have been drawn from a small selection of agriculture/food security (AFS) programmes across Asia.
