FAO and traditional knowledge: the linkages with sustainability, food security and climate change impacts
FAO and traditional knowledge: the linkages with sustainability, food security and climate change impacts
Traditional farming, fishing, pastoralism/herding, foraging and forestry are based on longestablished knowledge and practices that help to ensure food and agricultural diversity, valuable landscape and seascape features, livelihoods and food security. However, traditional livelihoods and indigenous plant varieties, landraces and animal breeds are now increasingly endangered by large-scale commercialization of agriculture, population dynamics, land-use/cover changes and the impacts of climate change. FAO is developing innovative projects that support the use of traditional knowledge to promote rural development, gender equity, conservation of biocultural diversity, and sustainable management of agro-ecosystems, among others. At the same time, the projects seek to manage the risks to food and agriculture that result from natural and human-induced
disasters, climate change impacts, soaring food prices and other emerging issues. FAO is also promoting international and interdisciplinary collaboration to strengthen the interface
between traditional knowledge and cutting-edge science and technology, to help maintain and enhance the world