Financing Vietnam’s response to climate change: smart investment for a sustainable future
Financing Vietnam’s response to climate change: smart investment for a sustainable future
Climate-related hazards have adverse effects on national growth and poverty reduction, affecting the poor and several sectors of the economy simultaneously. At its current rate of growth, Vietnam will become a major global greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter. The Government of Vietnam initiated the Climate Public Expenditure and Investment Review (CPEIR) to advance an understanding of the current policy and institutional architecture as well as to assess current spending on its climate change response to help guide future climate change-related expenditures and policy implementation. The report has three components: a policy, institutional and methodological review; an analysis of climate change response (CC-response) spending in five line ministries and three provinces; and recommendations and an action plan. The main goal of the CPEIR is to provide an overview of the current CC-response activities and formulate recommendations for how to improve priority setting, capacity building, coordination, expenditure management, and mainstreaming of CC-response strategies into socio-economic development plans.