Framework for the future: ending poverty in a generation

In 2015, world leaders will gather at the UN General Assembly to agree on a new framework that has the potential to shift the course of global development; a framework that could end extreme poverty within a generation. This framework will replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – a set of concrete goals and targets that have helped to spur poverty reduction and achieve significant breakthroughs for the world’s poorest children since the turn of the century. The post-2015 framework that replaces these goals must finish the job the MDGs started. It must be inspiring and ambitious, galvanising international action to build a world in which each and every child has an equal chance in life – not only to survive, but also to thrive and reach their full potential. This report presents Save the Children’s proposals for the new framework, building on previous contributions to the post-2015 debate. These include 12 goals with associated targets and indicators, accompanied by mechanisms to boost accountability, promote equity, and harness the synergies between the economic, social and environmental dimensions of development in order to accelerate progress.
