India Habitat III-National Report

Reducing water and power use by half and promoting renewable energy and public transport, will be the key elements of the government's urban development strategy for the next 20 years, according to a report. India’s future strategy for urban development intends to tap into the potential of rapid urbanisation for economic development, while at the same time addressing issues of sustainable development and climate change, announced Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Minister, M Venkaiah Naidu. Naidu released the India Habitat III-National Report on World Habitat Day on October 3, 2016, ahead of the UN Habitat III Conference in Quito, Ecuador, where a new global urban agenda for the next 20 years, will be adopted. The challenge is about ensuring sustainable development, while taking advantage of economic growth that results from rapid urbanisation in the country. For long, urbanisation has been looked at, from the limited perspective of providing basic services.
