We, the Participants of the National Workshop, that assembled under the Chairmanship of Sri P Karunakaran, MP and that was inaugurated by the Hon'ble Chief Minister of the Kerala State, Sri Oommen Chandy and consisted of the People's representatives and leaders, activists and members of social, cultural, health and environmental organisations, experts in various fields, the victims and survivors of the endosulfan induced tragedy, the District administration and the Local Self Government members, recognise and accept the importance of rejuvenating the ecology of our land and remediating the health and rehabilitating and rebuilding the social systems of our people. 

concord2012We consider it a matter of pride that, as the affected people of Kasaragod, all the struggles that we fought was instrumental in getting a global ban of Endosulfan.

Our efforts to provide relief and remediate the impacted communities in Kasaragod in a  chemical disaster with highly complicated ramifications, had no models that we could follow.   Nevertheless, even in such a situation all of us including Peoples representatives, Government and Voluntary activists developed a democratic, collective process, which we, in this Workshop, reiterate that we will continue till our goal is achieved.

We recognise the impact and the complicated manifestations that the insecticide Endosulfan has caused to our land, people and biodiversity. We also see that problems are appearing afresh each day, many of which have become unpredictable. We also understand that in the areas where the poison was aerially sprayed, the common people, especially the socially and economically backward, continue to lead painful and suffering lives.  We continue to be concerned about the new generation being born with genetic abberations, and the tumultous future that is in store for them as well as the generations to come.

The health conditions of the people born in the Endosulfan  impacted areas is complicated. We understand that more efforts need to be taken, than has been done now, to establish the adequate systems and facilities needed to address such a complicated situation. We have understood through our experience that the direct and indirect impacts of the disaster are mostly borne by our women.

The various disabilities or different challenges with which many of our children were born have caused serious disruptions to their education.  We recognise that there needs to be more clarity as to the method of education that needs to be rendered to such children.  We understand that it is our responsibility to develop educational models and setup adequate systems to ensure that these children gain the confidence to overcome their difficulties, and to explore and develop their creative skills.

We realise that it is our immediate responsibility to take necessary activities to rescue our nature from the environmental impacts caused by the insecticide endosulfan.  We understand that the rejuvenation of the eco-system is a long term challenge.  The priority is to see how  social, economic and cultural sustainability can be established.  We recognise that this National Workshop CONCORD '12 is an important step towards building a paradigm and action plans for the same.

We realise the importance of a collective and concerted process to coordinate the various rehabilitation efforts being taken up. We also realise that we need to establish a dynamic monitoring system to ensure the effective and timely implementation of the planned programmes.

With the above understanding that came up from the various discussions and recommendations during the National Workshop, the CONCORD '12 declares the following...

  • That we shall undertake adequate measures to improve the quality of life of the surviving people.

  • That we shall undertake Short term and Long term measures to convert Kasaragod from a poison affected land to a poison-free land.

  • That a comprehensive and integrated health rejuvenation and treatement programme which is both sustainable and free shall be given to all the survivors of Kasaragod through the active participation of all sectors of the society.

  • That programmes to revive the confidence of the survivors to enable them to actively participate in their normal social life as well as activities will be undertaken.

  • That necessary projects for social rehabilitation will be undertaken for sustainable livelihoods to be established.

  • That programmes shall be undertaken to improve the quality of the educational and academic system.

  • That the BUDS Schools which provide alternate and special education for those children that cannot go to regular schools for various reasons will be qualitatively improved.

  • That a National Research Centre will be established to study the special problems and needs of the affected children and to develop adequate activities for their overall development.

  • That development and marketing centres shall be established to develop comprehensive livelihood opportunities that incorporate their full life span, through developing the creative skills of the survivors.

  • That efforts shall be take to put continued pressure and intervention to get all the orders of the National Human Rights Commission implemented.

  • That efforts shall be undertaken to put pressure on the State and Central Governments to allot adequate funds and support for the socio-economic and ecological rehabilitative programmes.

We, the people, who declare solidarity to the affected survivors of the endosulfan tragedy hereby commit that we shall take all efforts and interventions necessary to rejuvenate the ecology of Kasaragod,  to lead our surviving brothers and sisters who are leading a painful life into a life of confidence and dignity, and to lead them to be an integral part of the main stream of society, and to make them a natural part of the social, cultural and political life of our land.

Decisions on the Preliminary Steps taken

Based on the Kasaragod Declaration of the National Workshop CONCORD '12 conducted at Kasaragod during 22,23 July 2012.

  • Task Forces has been setup for the Five focus areas. Further coordination will continue under the Endosulfan Victims Relief and Remediation Cell.  A report will be produced in one months time.

  • Based on the Central Govt Order that MPs fund can be used for social rehabilitation activities, Sri P Karunakaran MP has allotted Rs. 1 crore for the Endosulfan victims rehabiliation work.

  • The Central Government will be requested to declare the Kasaragod Endosulfan Disaster as a National disaster like the Tsunami or Bhopal disasters, and to request each MP to donate Rs. 25 lakh each to the Relief fund for Kasaragod victims.

  • A separate delegation will go to the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister requesting the participation and funding of the Central and State Governments in the relief programmes.

  • A project proposal will be prepared within two months for a National Relief and Rehabilitation Research Centre, and submitted to NABARD and adequate funds shall be ensured.

  • The Endosulfan relief and remediation Cell shall be the coordination agency for all the rehabilitaion programmes happening in Kasaraod by various agencies including the Governemnt agencies and individuals.

  • The District Planning Committee shall ensure that all the LSGs  incorporate a biodiversity restoration and rejuvenation programme in their 12th Five Year plan formation. The DPC Chairman and Convener will take the responsibility for the same.

  • The Kasaragod Jilla Panchayath will expand and continue the special projects THANAL and Adhijeevanam for the affected victims.