Large-scale residential energy efficiency programs based on Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs)
Large-scale residential energy efficiency programs based on Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs)
As operational experience in designing and implementing large-scale, energy-efficient lighting programs using CFLs is being gained through projects sponsored by the World Bank and others in various countries, ESMAP of the World Bank initiated an activity in 2008 to help practitioners benefit from these experiences. The objective is to develop good-practice operational models and templates or toolkits to help scale up the replication of large-scale, energy-efficient lighting programs. This report summarizes the key elements of developing and implementing large-scale CFL programs, and provides information on typical program objectives and design options, including an overview of the various approaches and their relative strengths and weakness, institutional arrangements, procurement procedures, use of subsidies, marketing and communication efforts, program evaluations, and use of carbon financing.