Noncommunicable diseases progress monitor 2015
Noncommunicable diseases progress monitor 2015
The World Health Organization’s new Noncommunicable Disease Progress Monitor tracks the extent to which 194 countries are implementing their commitments to develop national responses to the global burden of NCDs. The Monitor provides a snapshot of some of the achievements and challenges faced by both developed and developing countries as they strive to reach globally agreed targets to combat cancer, diabetes, and heart and lung disease. It uses the 10 indicators and their sub-indicators on which WHO will base its report on progress at the 2018 High-level Meeting on NCDs at the UN General Assembly. The Monitor covers a range of critical issues, from the setting of overall NCD reduction targets, to strong measures to reduce tobacco consumption, harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diets and physical inactivity, along with measures to strengthen treatment and care for people with NCDs. Two countries score 14 out of a total of 18 fully achieved measures (Brazil and Costa Rica). Other countries that have made major strides include Chile, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the United Kingdom, Canada, Colombia, and the Russian Federation.