Policy and institutions in adaptation to climate change: case study on tree crop diversity in China, Nepal, and Pakistan
Policy and institutions in adaptation to climate change: case study on tree crop diversity in China, Nepal, and Pakistan
The purpose of this project is to explore agricultural diversification through the use of trees on farms in communities in China, Nepal, and Pakistan to support people’s capacity to adapt to change, particularly climate-related change. Trees on farms is an adaptation of significant importance in the study areas as trees have been proven to mitigate the effects of extreme climate and buffer against weather-related production losses, secure land productivity through nutrient recycling and improved soil fertility, and provide direct income from tree-based products. The mountain communities of the HKH region commonly use trees on productive landscapes through agroforestry practices. This study aims to highlight links between tree crops and local adaptation to climate change and quantify the role of tree crops in the management of mountain landscapes and livelihoods, the generation of income, and general productivity.