Taking stock of Durban: review of key outcomes and the road ahead

The UNDP has released a report titled “Taking Stock of Durban: Review of Key Outcomes and the Road Ahead,” which reviews: the UNFCCC history; the outcomes of the 17th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 17) to the UNFCCC, held in Durban, South Africa, at the end of 2011; and the opportunities and challenges that the climate change negotiations will face in the coming years. The report, authored by Chad Carpenter, provides an overview of the package of decisions adopted in Durban, highlighting: agreement on a second commitment under the Kyoto Protocol; the launch of the Durban Platform on Enhanced Action for a long-term process with potential universal participation of all countries in the adoption of mitigation targets; the adoption of key features of the Green Climate Fund (GCF); and the launch of a process to reduce the mitigation “ambition gap” for avoiding the increase of the global temperature over 2ºC.
