This first global assessment of its kind report highlights how the poaching and illegal trade of thousands of species worldwide presents real environmental dangers and ultimately undermines the rule of law by potentially fuelling conflict.

India has been placed second from bottom in this health system transparency index, released by KPMG, which also highlighted that the country is still "woefully" short in terms of healthcare infrastructure. Transparency in healthcare matters, but to date has failed to live up to its promise of transforming quality and cost. Too often progress has been symbolic and has given rise to bitter disputes between political ideologues and resistant provider and professional groups. Even countries that have led the field are now facing difficult questions about what value is really created for all their effort. Awash with data, some systems are finding it more difficult than ever to work out what is going but used strategically, this study suggests there is considerable potential waiting to be unlocked from health system transparency.The objective of this study is to establish what health systems need to do to make transparency into the powerful, positive change agent that it can be. It is clear that across the world’s health systems — both high and middle income — there is a steady rise in calls for transparency and implementation of new policies to promote it. To some this represents a growing encroachment into professional autonomy that at best distracts from the real work of caring for patients and at worst creates a fear-based culture of public exposure and blame. It is easy to imagine a dystopian future if this kind of transparency is left to run unchecked — with systems awash with meaningless or actively misleading data, providers averse to any risks that might lead to their being named-and- shamed and an increase in top-down micro-management of frontline delivery.
