The Antarctic Ice Sheet stores water equivalent to 58 m in global sea-level rise. We show in simulations using the Parallel Ice Sheet Model that burning the currently attainable fossil fuel resources is sufficient to eliminate the ice sheet. With cumulative fossil fuel emissions of 10,000 gigatonnes of carbon (GtC), Antarctica is projected to become almost ice-free with an average contribution to sea-level rise exceeding 3 m per century during the first millennium.

The Indian monsoon is likely to fail more often in the next 200 years, warns this new study by Jacob Schewe and Anders Levermann published in the journal Environmental Research Letters. Says that the monsoon rains could collapse about every fifth year between 2150 and 2200 with continued global warming.

The energy released by capsizing icebergs can be equal to that of small earthquakes — enough to create ocean waves of considerable magnitude. Should such 'glacial tsunamis' be added to the list of future global-warming hazards?