Scientists are using high-tech gene sequencing machines in a desperate attempt to save the Tasmanian devil from an infectious cancer called devil facial tumor disease that is threatening to wipe out the species.

"The disease is like nothing we know in humans or in virtually any other animal.

Corn that is genetically modified to resist pests benefits neighboring crops as well, U.S.

Pollutants may be contributing to a sharp increase in the number of cases of liver disease, US researchers said on Friday.

They said as many as a third of US adults showed signs of having liver disease not caused by normal triggers such as alcohol abuse and viral hepatitis.

Ice crystals plucked from clouds and quickly analysed in flight show bits of biological material -- bacteria, spores and plants -- play a role in the formation of clouds, US researchers said on Sunday.

The finding, reported in the journal Nature Geoscience, offers the first direct evidence of airborne bacteria in clouds, they said.

Scientists have created the first genetic blueprint of domestic cattle, saying on Thursday the map may lead to tastier beef, better milk and even new insights about human health.